From the Community Lay Director
January 1 started my fifth year as the Lay Director of the Lexington Emmaus Community in the past decade. Something is about to happen that never occurred in those first four years -- something that fills me with joy, hope and anticipation. I am pleased to announce that both Men’s Spring Walk 152 and Women’s Spring Walk 153 will occur!!
Men’s Spring Walk 152 will happen at Richmond First United Methodist Church March 20-23. We have secured the use of 16 cots for the communal sleeping spaces. Participants will need to bring their own bedding, towels, etc. Women’s Spring Walk 153 will happen in Wilmore at Asbury Seminary March 27-30.
The potluck meal Thursday evening before Sendoff will resume for both Walks. Your participation in that Sendoff potluck meal is encouraged and welcomed, even if, or especially if, you don’t know any of the pilgrims. That meal is the first demonstration of Agape Love for the pilgrims by the Lexington Emmaus Community. Other demonstrations of Agape Love are a well-stocked snack table and a bounty of Agape items. Feel free to bring snacks, single-serve drinks and Agape items with you when you come to Sendoff. Feel free to stop in over the course of the weekend to bring snacks, drinks and Agape items or spend a few hours helping out in the kitchen or with the Agape team. AgapeLand dinner and the luminaries for Candlelight both need extra help. Come to the Gathering at Richmond First United Methodist Church on March 7 to sign up for a time slot on the prayer chart for each Walk.
One of the most impactful demonstrations of Agape Love during a Walk is for the Community to come together for Candlelight on the Saturday night of each Walk. I would have to admit that I was a little disappointed with the turnout for the Walk 151 Candlelight last October. But even with a light presence, it was obvious in the faces of the pilgrims that an important message was being shared. I know, I know, Saturday nights are hard to get away. All I ask is for you to remember the first talk of your Walk. Remember the impact it had on you to see a sea of candles when you walked into wherever it was that your Candlelight service took place. That is something we are often called upon to do in our Christian traditions – remember. Remember. Think Christmas, Lent, Good Friday, Easter, Communion – remember and celebrate God’s love for his people.
My wife recently came across something called the Fourth Watch. Hebrews of the Bible divided the night into segments for assigning guard duty. Fourth Watch was the period we now label as 3-6am. Many events of the Bible occurred in this time frame before dawn. C. S. Lewis, Billy Graham, and probably others have addressed the question of why do I wake up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason? I wake up in the middle of the night often for a reason – my bladder has defeated my Cpap machine. But I wake up for no apparent reason sometimes too. And fight to go back to sleep. C. S. Lewis and Billy Graham suggest that the unexplained wakefulness is not a curse but a blessing. In that wakefulness, God is trying to connect with you. Rather than fight the wakefulness, which has always been my response, embrace it and make it a time for prayer and reflection. That is the plan for my future unexplained wakefulness. Will it be yours?
De Colores!
Michael Watts
Mission Statement
Renewing Christian Disciples,
Strengthening Local Churches
Rejoice, Rejoice, and again I say Rejoice!