As I write my last newsletter as the community's lay director I began looking back at my past newsletters. There is a deadline on when I must submit the article. To be honest, I wait until the bitter end awaiting on what God wants me to say. This month's newsletter is no different. From the March 2023 one I talked about attending two funerals and one revival. The funerals reminded me that my future is secure and the revival remined me that it is WAY better to go on this journey with fellow believers. Going to our eternal home and being “at home” with my Brothers in Christ.
In April 2023 I wrote about how Emmaus gives me peace and gets me away from this chaotic world. Let us all “return to Emmaus” and find the comfort and peace it provides. In June 2023 I told the story of helping my sister clean out the house of a hoarder. All that junk and all the “junk” in my spiritual life. All of these obstacles to God's grace. Then I think about Max's talk and it puts me at peace. The July 2023 showed how God gives me the idea of what to write just by the time on my clock. Unable to sleep I looked at my clock and it was 3:16. This caused me to dive into the word and research all the 3:16s. There are a lot of powerful 3:16 verses.
In August 2023 I talked about “the tsunami of darkness” from the movie The Sound of Freedom. How I contribute to it and sometimes don't try to stop it. From John 8:12 - When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” But there is more, from Matthew 5:14 - You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.Two verses later - In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. HE is the light but also wants US to be the light to combat the “tsunami of darkness”.
In January 2024 I discussed peace. The peace that only God can give us and the peace I cannot fully comprehend. I pray that during this Christmas season you experience the peace that only God can give. If you are struggling, remember that God sent His only Son for YOU !!! God sent His Son to die on a cross for YOU !!! Jesus will leave the 99 for YOU !!! YOU are not alone!!! God loves YOU !!!. He always has. He always will. HE is enough !!! The February 2024 newsletter had me struggling and troubled. A little Ecclesiastes and the Chrysalis flight helped get me back on track. March 2024 had me talking about “battle buddies”. That inner circle of Brothers and Sisters who will help you wage spiritual warfare.
April 2024 had me talking about family. My daughters, Laura and Samantha, my Trinity Hill family and my Emmaus family. I am so blessed. May 2024 had me writing about the women's walk and why I LOVE Emmaus so much. For the peace it gives me. So as we journey together along the road of life, we encounter the risen Christ in each other. As we laugh and cry and dance (even a cancan dance) and drive and yes, break bread together, our eyes are opened and we know that Jesus is with us. So the Emmaus story isn’t just an ancient story about two disciples and Jesus; Emmaus happens all the time among us, right now, right here to God! June 2024 talk about remembering. July 2024 was about chaos. In September 2024 I wrote about that Jabez guy and how his prayer impacted me. I agreed to be a classroom leader in the 4KIDS program. (not in my wheelhouse or my comfort zone) It has all worked out. October 2024 had me grumbling. The women's walk training session really put me back on course. As we read the Emmaus Canon every line was penetrating my heart. “Other people are the main reason for my presence and prayers”: therefore “I” must be used as little as possible during these three days. This team is more important than me.
My focus recently has been too much on “I”. Grumbling to many instead of being thankful for all the blessings I have experienced through Emmaus. Focusing on failure instead of this amazing opportunity in front of us with women's walk #151. Thank you team of walk #151 for letting me tag along last Saturday. I needed to experience your mercy and grace to help me understand that Emmaus has always been and will always be a blessing in my life. You all have turned my grumblings to praise and prayers for the upcoming walk. November 2024 had me writing about what a 5th grader taught me. In the 5th grade class I mentor a group of all boys. One in particular has caused me some angst. He just chooses to not do what I ask him to do. I do believe that God has put this student in front of me for a purpose. One of these purposes is to teach me. I “complain” to my reunion group guys about this kid and to my golf buddy. My complaint is this: “It drives me crazy when he can't follow a simple instruction. He just blatantly defies me”. Romans 2:1 You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. Am I a hypocrite? Do I follow God's simple instructions? Do I blatantly defy Him? YES/NOT ALWAYS/AT TIMES And I thought I was in the classrooms to teach the students.
As I finish this journey down memory lane on Christmas Eve I am thankful for you all. I just returned from our candlelight service at church and saw a lot of familiar faces who no longer attend my church. It was a blessing to see them.
I am leaving this position in highly capable hands. I would like to introduce Michael Watts as our new community lay director. Not his first rodeo. I am assured we are in good hands.
Merry Christmas and may the peace of God find you this season. I love you all.
De Colores / Fly With Christ - Wall