I pray that all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. In the bible (NLT) the first mention of “thanksgiving” comes from the book of Leviticus chapter 7. It talks about an offering of thanksgiving.

My Thanksgiving started eight days early with my 6th graders in the 4KIDS program. The title of the lesson was “The Spirit of America.” The lesson focused on the first Thanksgiving and having an “attitude of gratitude.” I asked each student to jot down three things they were thankful for. I asked a student to share his first one and his answer was family. I inquired if any others has answered family and the whole class raised their hand. His second answer was friends. The vast majority had that one written down as well. The third answer had many variations from sports to phones but two caught my attention. One was water. Hmmmm, I expect clean water every day I turn on a spigot. I take it for granted and would only complain if it didn't work right. I never recall being thankful for water when I turn on the tap. Another student said he was thankful for a free country. I had to remind myself that these were sixth graders. Oh, how I take my freedoms for granted. Only thanking veterans on Veteran's Day for the freedoms I have. The freedoms they fought for and put their lives on the line for. Some giving their lives for my freedoms. My freedom to complain about the news and about everything going on in our country. Rarely, if ever giving thanks for my freedoms.

That same Wednesday morning found me with my Emmaus reunion group. The daily devotion for that morning was from Proverbs 13:20: Spend time with the wise and you will become wise, but the friends of fools will suffer.” When it was my turn to share I offered this verse as part of my daily devotion time. I ended with “so this will be my last week with you guys.” That is just the way we are. :) As I am typing this, one of the guys in the group asked for prayers. Multiple people praying for you at any moment !! I am thankful for the men in my reunion group, and I love sharing laughter and prayers with them. They are my inner circle.

Wednesday evening had us preparing for the Christmas play in the children's ministry. I am in charge of the shepherds again this year. I am thankful for being a part of the children's ministries at Trinity Hill. The children make me so proud and teach me so much.

Sunday morning had me delivering a stewardship moment to our congregation. I focused on what the tithes were doing in our church. Speaking about the children's ministry and the youth ministry and how their tithes put our children on the right path. I helped teach Sunday school with the youth and enjoyed a delicious dinner that evening with the youth and their families. I am thankful to be about to serve our youth and children at my church and in our schools.

Monday morning found me with my life transformation group. Four of us answering tough questions for the week. The 7am meeting time is not ideal for me (I have to set my alarm) but I am thankful for these men and for their love, support and prayers.

The Tuesday before Thanksgiving found me at Bourbon and Toulouse enjoying lunch with my two daughters. I cherish that time because I am not sure how many more times it will happen. I am so proud of them, and I am thankful we got to spend time together and that God has blessed me with them.

After lunch I headed to my sister's house in East Bank WV. On Wednesday I got to see my good buddy and Brother in Christ Terry as we ventured to the dog track. I am thankful I still have lifelong friends I can hang out with and have fun.

Thanksgiving morning started with a nice breakfast prepared by my sister. I had to endure some Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade until the 12:30 football game. Afternoon dinner was prepared by my sister in law and was scrumptious. It was a blessing to enjoy Thanksgiving day with my brother and sister. I was blessed to grow up in a great little town with a great family and great friends.

Saturday brought me back to home in Lexington to pen this letter (it is due today). I am thankful for my Emmaus community and my Emmaus Walk #119. I am thankful for my sponsor Dave Turner and his insight to think Emmaus may help me. (he was right)

The last mention of thanksgiving in the bible (NLT) is Revelation 7:12: They sang, “Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and strength belong to our God forever and ever! Amen.” That Alan Jackson song we sing at gatherings. Leviticus 7:12 to Revelation 7:12 Coincidence?

I am thankful that God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. Jesus died for you, He died for me. Not to judge us but to save us. As we head into this season of Advent let us continue to be thankful and display that “attitude of gratitude.” Being thankful for the gift of freedom given to us through Jesus Christ our Lord. I don't take that one for granted.

De Colores / Fly with Christ - Wally

Rejoice, Rejoice, and again I say Rejoice!

Welcome to the Lexington Emmaus Community!

Next Gathering

Date: Friday, December 6

We will meet at 6:00 for fellowship, a potluck dinner at 6:30 and worship at 7:15.Dinner will be provided by the Board. Attendees with last names beginning with F-r are asked to bring a dessert to share and drinks .

place: Centenary Methodist Church

2800 Tates Creek Road

Lexington, KY 40502