Dear Sponsor:

As you know, the Walk to Emmaus is a three-day experience of renewal, learning and sharing in an atmosphere of Christian community. It is a different experience for each individual. It is not designed for the solution of deep-seated personal problems, but to help mature persons work toward a Christian way of life with community support. Husbands and wives are invited as a couple and should make a joint commitment to attend. Husbands usually attend first. If you have not discussed the Emmaus weekend with both spouses, the Board may ask that you wait to send one spouse until you have had the opportunity to encourage both spouses to attend. No spouse will be restricted from attending the Walk because their spouse will not commit to attend but an earnest effort must be made to offer the Emmaus experience to both spouses. Each person must submit a separate application, and married couples are requested to turn in both applications at the same time even if they will be attending a separate set of walks. Please complete ALL sections!

All information is necessary for proper placement in a Walk to Emmaus. Please be sure you and your pilgrim fill in all the blanks. The cost of the Walk to Emmaus weekend is $200.00 per person. We require a $50.00 registration deposit (nonrefundable), which should be sent in with the completed application. The remaining amount will be collected at the Registrar’s table upon arrival at the weekend site. Please make checks payable to LEXINGTON EMMAUS COMMUNITY. A limited number of partial scholarships are available. If your pilgrim would like to be considered for a scholarship, please include an "Application for Scholarship" with the application. All scholarship applications must be received by the Registrar with the corresponding walk application.

This form is an application and its submittal does not guarantee acceptance. Your pilgrim may be placed on a waiting list since there are a limited number of spaces available on each weekend. Early applicants will be notified of acceptance by letter six weeks prior to the Walk to Emmaus weekend. Later applications will be processed as quickly as possible. Registrations received less than one month before any Walk will not be processed until the following set of Walks.

Sponsoring a candidate is both a joy and a responsibility. There are things you must do for your candidate before, during and after the weekend. Remember, the Walk to Emmaus is not structured to solve deep-seated personal problems. It is designed to provide those attending a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. If you have any further questions about sponsorship or registration procedures for the Lexington Community please contact the Registrar or any Board member.

This signed and dated cover page must be returned with the completed registration form and deposit. Your signature indicates you have read the above requirements and are committed to responsible sponsorship of your pilgrim.

Sponsor's Signature____________________________ Pilgrim's Name: _______________________ Date: ______________________


(Please fill in all sections and blanks!)

Candidate’s Name _____________________________________________________________________

Your Name ________________________________ Address ___________________________________

City ________________________________________________ State ____________ Zip ___________

Telephone: Home (_____)_______________________ Work


Email Address: _______________________________________________________________________

Name and Denomination of church now attending ____________________________________________

Where was your Walk to Emmaus/Cursillo?__________________________________________________

When? __________________ Emmaus/Cursillo # _______________ Reunion Group (y/n) ___________

Group Name? ___________________ Are you praying for the candidate? ________

Have you signed up for the 72 hour Prayer Vigil?________

Will you clear your weekend and attend the community events? _________________________________

Are you serving and sacrificing for your candidate’s weekend? __________________________________

Agape? ____________ Kitchen? ____________ Team? ____________ Other? _____________________

Why do you feel this person is a good candidate? _____________________________________________________________________________



Are you able and willing to assist the candidate get into a reunion group? _________________________

Have you explained the gathering? _________ Will you accompany the candidate?__________________

If the candidate is a married person, have you discussed the Walk to Emmaus with the spouse? ______

Have both spouses committed to attend? ______________ (If not, please use the comment section below to explain any special reason for considering the candidate’s application.)

Will you bring your candidate to the Walk to Emmaus? ________________________________________

Can you care for the needs of your candidate’s spouse and family over the weekend? _______________

Are you aware of the importance of minimal contact with your candidate during the weekend, especially if the candidate is your spouse? ____________________________________________________________

Sponsor’s Signature ______________________ Date _______________

Mail to: Lexington Emmaus Community

Attn: Registrar

P.O. Box 23554

Lexington, KY 40523-3554

____________________________________________________________________________________ ADDITIONAL COMMENTS FROM SPONSOR


P. O. BOX 23554

LEXINGTON, KY 40523-3554


Men’s Walk (date) _________________________ Women’s Walk (date) __________________________

To insure your reservation we require a $50.00 non-refundable registration deposit. Return this completed form and your deposit to your Sponsor


NAME______________________________________ PREFERRED NAME (for name tag)

ADDRESS ______________________________ CITY _____________________ STATE ________ ZIP _________

HOME PHONE (______)_____________________ WORK PHONE(______)_________________________

EMAIL ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________

SEX (M or F): ______ AGE: _______ Married/Single: ______ Minister / Sem. Student?: __________ NAMES/AGES OF CHILDREN _____________________________________________________________

OCCUPATION _______________________________ EMPLOYER ________________________________

CHURCH AND DENOMINATION ___________________________________________________________

PASTOR'S NAME ________________________________ CHURCH PHONE (______)_________________

PASTOR'S ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________________

What other Christian or community organizations are you now active in? _____________________________________________________________________________


Has the Walk to Emmaus been explained to you? ______

Has the follow-up program of group reunions and gatherings been explained to you? ______

Are you on a special diet? ______ Please explain if “Yes” _______________ ______________________

Are you on medication that must be taken at specific times throughout the day? ____________________ The Walk to Emmaus is not physically demanding, but there is some walking involved (to meals and chapel). Will you require assistance during these times (specifically a ride to/from these locations)?


There is a large part of the weekend where you will be in a conference room sitting and looking at different types of visual presentations. Do you have any vision or hearing difficulties that would require you to sit close to the speaker? Are you unable to sit for extended periods of time? Please explain yes answers by describing how we can best accommodate your needs: ______________________________


State briefly why you wish to participate in the Walk to Emmaus and what you expect to receive from it.



Your Signature _____________________________ Date ___________